Lifeline Foils Well-Planned Burglary near Honolulu Airport

Honolulu airport with Lifeline Hawaii intrusion security solutions

As lumber and other construction supply prices continue to soar, so does their value on the black market. This increase in materials theft forces contractors and producers to find ways to combat it. 

The National Association of Homebuilders reports that it is difficult to curate material theft data accurately. Still, builders, construction companies, and all industries housing supplies on-site continue to report theft and attempted theft. Perpetrators range from organized crime rings to amateurs. 

Think we are immune to it here in Hawaii? Think again.

➤➤➤ Check out this recent local event where the thieves drive into a yard at night in a flatbed! 



Fortunately, this business is serious about combating crime and uses an advanced, highly-effective, yet cost-efficient solution —Lifeline Proactive Video Monitoring. The two intruders were well-prepared and could have made off a tremendous amount of supplies and caused huge losses in products, time, and damage. Instead, they only made it around the corner and acquired shiny bracelets and a booking portrait—Lifeline class of 2022.

What is Effective Laydown Yard Security? 

Many businesses have security solutions in place but may not know to what extent those solutions can protect them from crime. They feel safe because they have intrusion alarms or video surveillance to catch perpetrators in the act. And those systems do just that; detect crime while it is happening, which they were designed to do. 

But is that good enough? It certainly would not have been good enough in this event. Most business owners want to prevent crime (and all the hassles that go with it), not just record it. 

Lifeline Proactive Video Monitoring does just that. It detects unauthorized and anomalous behaviors, provides real-time audio intervention, and initiates the swift deployment of law enforcement before the crime happens. 

Lifeline Proactive Video Monitoring provides 24/7 continuous intelligent monitoring, real-time detection and intervention, fast response times, and high-quality video. 

Why Choose Lifeline Proactive Video Monitoring?

Lifeline Proactive Video Monitoring is a powerful crime prevention solution that allows businesses to reduce costs while increasing their physical security coverage area and effectiveness.

Top Advantages of Lifeline Proactive Video Monitoring 

  • Deter criminal activity before it happens
  • Zero false alarms
  • A full-color incident report for every security event
  • Intelligent video analytics for both intrusion and anti-loitering events
  • 50-75% cost savings over physical security guards
  • Personalized app for complete system control that includes flexible zoning & visitor pass functionality
  • Increase the area actively monitored

Don’t wait until after you get hit by crime to do something to combat it. Be smart. Be proactive. Call Lifeline to learn more about the solution that stops crime before it happens.


About Lifeline

Lifeline Fire & Security is the region’s premier provider of commercial Proactive Video Monitoring solutions and is the only Authorized Honeywell / First Alert Professional Dealer in Hawaii. The company is an active participant in many community outreach activities to help better the lives of our residents and has been serving the community for 20 years. 

For more information about Lifeline and how we can help protect your business while decreasing the cost of security, call us at (808) 548-5433

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