How to Address Illegal Dumping on Vacant Properties? | Lifeline Proactive Video Monitoring


Illegal dumping negatively affects properties, businesses, and communities. Having trash on-site can also create health and safety issues for your visitors. Should someone become injured from items dumped on your property, as the business owner you may become liable for that injury. So what should you do to stop illegal dumping? Here are our top tips.


1. Fence Off the Property. 

Depending on the type of business, location, and practicality, you may be able to fence off the property to prevent entry and access to dumping.

2. Talk to the Perpetrators

If the dumping is frequent, it may indicate that the same person or persons are dumping. If the opportunity presents itself, simply asking them not to dump on your site may encourage them to find a more appropriate place to dispose of garbage. 

3. Get Police Involved

In most cases, law enforcement can’t do much about illegal dumping unless they catch the perpetrator in the act. They may, however, regularly patrol the area to help discourage the practice. 

4. Use Lifeline Proactive Video Monitoring 

It is near impossible to be at your business 24/7 to the property. Even if it were, it would be difficult to watch every corner and catch the individuals dumping at your site. Fortunately, many property owners use Lifeline Proactive Video Monitoring to provide 24/7 active coverage and live intervention to stop crimes such as dumping, vandalism, loitering, and violence. Check out this video to see its effectiveness in action!

Here is a recent video that shows how Lifeline solves the problem of illegal dumping safely, swiftly, and effectively.



About PVM

Lifeline Proactive Video Monitoring is a powerful crime prevention solution that allows businesses to reduce costs while they increase the coverage area and effectiveness of their physical security.

  • Deter criminal activity before it happens
  • Zero false alarms
  • A full-color incident report for every security event
  • Intelligent video analytics for both intrusion and anti-loitering events
  • 50-75% cost savings over physical security guards
  • Personalized app for complete system control that includes flexible zoning & visitor pass functionality
  • Increase the area being actively monitored


For more information about Lifeline and how we can help protect your business while decreasing the cost of security, call us at (808) 548-5433

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