As the summer heat rises higher, it may seem that the news reports of crimes follow it. At the Lifeline Fire and Security Company, they know that this rise in crime doesn’t just “seem” to happen. It is a statistical fact, and there are some perfectly logical reasons for it.
Summer provides some circumstances that encourage crime or make it easier, giving those who want to do harm more opportunity to do it. In addition, summer heat does things to the human body that make stressful situations harder to endure and increases the likelihood of impulsive violence. The technicians who install the alarm systems Hawaii citizens rely on are well aware of these factors and their effects.
Much of the crime in summer is small-time vandalism and burglaries. School is out leaving young people with plenty of time and little to do. At the same time, heat makes people want to leave the windows of their houses and cars open. This is understandable, since nobody likes coming home to a hot house, and getting into a hot car can cause painful burns.
Despite the temptation, any fire and security company will attest to the fact that this is a bad idea, and the discomfort of losing one’s possessions can far outweigh the temporary unpleasantness of the heat. Leaving valuable objects visible in the car just provides further incentive for a break-in.
Another consequence of summer is that kids are often at home while their parents are at work. Small kids will sometimes answer the door for anyone because they have seen their parents do it so many times. The video cameras and alarm systems Hawaii residents use can help a lot, but should be accompanied by talks with the child to help them understand the seriousness of the risk.
Another factor that has become a goldmine of information for would-be thieves is the Internet. Social media allows vacationers to share their good times with their friends, trading messages and showing pictures of the places they’re seeing. As much fun as this is, an old-fashioned post card may be a better idea. Posting a vacation message on social media simply lets criminals know that the poster’s house is unoccupied and will probably remain so for a while.
Besides external factors, the body responds to heat in ways that makes temper flare-ups and other violent emotions increase. Many of the resulting offenses are not premeditated, such as fights, rapes and generally reckless behavior.
Scientists call this the Ecs-TC or emotional and cognitive stress under thermoregulatory conflict syndrome. Studies have shown that a rise in ambient temperature causes the release of adrenaline as a temperature regulator. Unfortunately, this chemical also causes one to become aggressive and adopt a “fight or flight” response. This makes it harder to keep one’s temper under control and easier to become violent. This response will show itself in various ways for different people. This is why impulsive crime rises in summer along with the more planned, purposeful kind.
Lifeline Fire and Security Company understands all these causes and knows the kind of alarm systems Hawaii citizens need to protect themselves and their property. Though an alarm is not the only answer, it will certainly help. A call today can save big regrets tomorrow.
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