One of the most delightful things about having a place you can call your home is that you get to cook whatever you want inside of it. Making delicious meals …
“Leaving for vacation. Can’t wait!” “Going out to dinner with the hubby.” These posts on Facebook or Twitter might seem fairly innocuous but they could be compromising your home’s security. …
It is tough for homeowners to relax in a vacation paradise if they are worried about what is happening back home. Not only is there burglary and vandalism to worry …
According to the National Candle Association, 7 out of 10 homes in the United States use candles and reported sales of candles are estimated at two billion dollars each year. …
As the summer heat rises higher, it may seem that the news reports of crimes follow it. At the Lifeline Fire and Security Company, they know that this rise in …
Most people associate residential security companies in Hawaii with burglar and fire alarms. Burglaries and fires are the classic home emergencies, and a company like Lifeline Fire & Security provides …
Since 2002, residents of Hawaii have chosen Lifeline Fire and Security for all home their security needs. This is a choice that Lifeline takes very seriously. Their customers are valued …
Emergencies can occur at any time, and you need to protect your family from the unexpected. Fires can start from faulty wiring or a defective outlet, and intruders are willing …
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