Home Security

Summer months see a 10% increase in crime, so whether you are going away on vacation or staying home for a “staycation”, please be SMART and secure your home with SMART technology today.
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A lot of people don't invest in a home security system based on commonly held misbeliefs about smart security. As with any technology, it doesn’t hurt to see where it is going and make an educated decision about how or if it fits in your life.
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With the holiday season upon us, many of us will be traveling and might be worried about the threat of being burgled while we are away –after all the FBI 
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A home security system is important. It keeps your family safe and secure, but it should also make your life more convenient. When you use smart apps, you can transform 
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What makes a Lifeline Fire & Security system “smart”? Like most appliances, the system has its own app. So what is all the fuss about smarter home security? Why should 
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Following these simple and practical tips will help to reduce false alarms and save you money and hassle from false alarms from your home alarm systems. 
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It’s one of the signs of a winter that lingers on and on. Everyone in the house comes down with the flu. Mom, dad and even the healthiest young ones 
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Lifeline Fire and Security is a leading provider of residential alarm systems in Hawaii, and one of the most common issues it faces is home fires. Throughout the United States, 
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Safety is a topic that’s important for people of all ages, but senior citizens are at an increased risk of injury or death from fire. Creating a safe environment for 
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 Ready. Set. Steal. Though burglary is no child’s game, thieves are racing against the clock when they enter your home. Even with the best house security systems, burglars know the 
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