Lifeline Fire & Security was Proud To Be a Sponsor of the Annual Cooling Cancer Golf Tournament


Aloha Todd,

Thank you very much for your Silver Sponsorship and donations the Cooling Cancer Golf Tournament.
Sincerely appreciate you being part of this important event that raises money for cancer research.

Now that the smoked has cleared and all of the bills have been paid, I can report to you that this year’s
tournament netted $60,000 for the University of Hawaii Cancer Center! This is our best year ever and puts
us over $200,000 in total donations to the Cancer Center. None of this could have been possible without
your support.

In the world of cancer research, we may be small players but I am truly thankful that we are
doing something to fight this terrible disease. Cancer continues to take our friends and family members far too
soon. If we can make a small difference in one life or help our Cancer Center find a cure or improve the
quality of life for cancer patients we have done something rather than nothing. Please join us next year
as we continue or fight against cancer.

Cooling Cancer is a 501(c) (3) Non-Profit Organization of the Internal Revenue Service
Tax ID #46 4024424.

Click the link below to view a brief video produced by the University of Hawaii Cancer Center that showcases
the Cooling Cancer Golf Tournament and our great cause. Thanks so much for being part of this!

Drew Santos

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